Annina Loets


Peer reviewed journal articles:

Intersectional Disadvantage
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, to appear.
[abstract] [local file]

Agentive Duality Reconsidered (with Julia Zakkou)
2022, Philosophical Studies, 179: 3771–3789.

Choice Points for a Theory of Normality
2022, Mind, 131(521): 159–191.

Qua Qualification
2021, Philosophers' Imprint 21(27): 1-24.

Qua Objects and their Limits
2021, Mind, 130(518): 617-638.

Handbook articles and other invited publications:


2024, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy, Kathrin Koslicki & Michael Raven (eds).

Die allgemeinste objektive Möglichkeit. Replik auf Vetter.
2022, Philosophisches Jahrbuch


Inexact Ability (R& R, The Journal of Philosophy )

General Ability, Genericity, and Grain

Possibility Plenitude (with Alex Roberts)

Fission for Anti-Essentialists